Can I use my own activities for the Star and Superstar CREST awards?

Can I use my own activities for the Star and Superstar CREST awards?

The CREST Star and Superstar awards are typically completed by 3-11 years olds (this age range is just a guideline). Students should complete a series of 6 to 8 challenges, recording them in a passport and building up to a Star/Superstar award. Activities are designed to last about an hour and you don't need to be a teacher or have a science background to run them.

You can find our CREST Star and Superstar challenge collection packs here in our online resource library. Each activity includes an organiser’s card with instructions, highlighted safety points and a resource list.

Alternatively, you can use your own activities towards the awards, providing they meet the criteria outlined below. When entering the CREST Star and Superstar on our online platform, you will be asked to record which 6 to 8 challenges your students have completed. In instances where you have used your own activity, please record this by choosing 'Other' from the drop-down list. 




Problem solving

Students explore a clearly defined question presented through a story that relates the scenario to their everyday life


Students explore a question or idea presented through a story and are supported to think about what the aim for their investigation is and can communicate this. Students investigate problems from a broader range of contexts. E.g. home or school environment framed in a scientific manner.


Decision making

Students are supported to decide how to solve science- based problems, working in pairs or small groups, independently of adults where possible. Students are given the opportunity to discuss and decide how they will carry out their investigation, with prompts and support from their educator


Students work in pairs or small groups, independently of adults where possible. Students are given opportunities to shape their methodology e.g. deciding which variables to test; how to record their results; how to share what they did etc.


Practical science

Students complete 6 to 8 practical challenges with a real-world context that links to their everyday life. Students are supported to keep their aim in mind when designing and carrying out their investigation


Students complete 6 to 8 challenges with a real-world context that links to broader situations they might encounter.


Reflecting and discussing

Students discuss scientific problems, thinking about and sharing ideas on how to solve the problem.

Students discuss scientific problems and how to record results. They think about and share how to test their ideas, and how to tell people what they did.



Students share what they did not necessarily in a written format


Students share what they did and explain their results using a medium of their choice.


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