Note, all project must comply with any relevant legislation, for example the gathering and use of people's data, animal testing laws, the safe disposal of materials etc.
The British Science Association refers to CLEAPSS on all matters health and safety related. View the CLEAPSS student safety sheets for guidance.
Watch our CREST Explained: The CREST Criteria to learn more.
CREST criteria
1 – Planning the project
1.1 The student set a clear aim for the project and broke it down into smaller objectives
1.2 The student explained a wider purpose for the project
1.3 The student identified a range of approaches to the project
1.4 The student described their plan for the project and why they chose that approach
1.5 The student planned and organised their time well
2 – Throughout the project
2.1 The student made good use of the materials and people available
2.2 The student researched the background to the project and acknowledged their sources appropriately
3 – Finalising the project
3.1 The student made logical conclusions and explained the implications for the wider world
3.2 The student explained how their actions and decisions affected the project’s outcome
3.3 The student explained what they have learnt and reflected on what they could improve
4 – Project-wide criteria
4.1 The student showed understanding of the science behind their project, appropriate to their level
4.2 The student made decisions to direct the project, taking account of ethical and safety issues
4.3 The student showed creative thinking
4.4 The student identified and overcame problems successfully
4.5 The student explained their project clearly, in writing or conversation
CREST Bronze requires students to demonstrate skills including problem-solving, independent learning, organisation, teamwork, and communication. To achieve a Bronze Award, each student should record the work done on their project either in a CREST ...
Yes, you can submit for CREST Silver or Gold Award even without a mentor. Mentors are not a requirement when taking part in CREST, however, they are strongly recommended at Gold level, preferred at Silver, and optional at Bronze and Discovery levels. ...
To sign up for Silver and Gold projects go to and create an account. Creating a project can be done by a student or educator, or by an organisation. Once you have activated your account, log in and you will be taken to this ...
CREST Silver stretches students and enriches their studies. Typically completed by students aged 14+, projects require around thirty hours of work and lead to a body of work. This work could be a written report, video diaries or something else ...
Once you have paid your CREST fees and payment has been processed, Silver/Gold assessment can take between 2 and 6 weeks, depending if it is a busy time of year. Please note, if payments are sent without the project ID or invoice number as a ...