Star and Superstar
The 6-8 x 1-hour activities required for the Star/Superstar awards can be delivered all together or spread out over a term or more. They can be used to connect with curriculum topics and build your students’ excitement for science.
Students take on the role of investigators, and the teacher becomes a facilitator. Each Star and SuperStar challenge has an organiser and activity card. You can use the organiser card to help you set up and facilitate the challenge. Students can use the activity card to do the challenge, with your support. Students record each activity with a sticker or drawing on their
Star and
SuperStar passports.
Discovery projects can be run as a full-day event or spread over several shorter sessions. Students work collaboratively on a five-hour project or challenge in self-managed groups. During the project, students use their
CREST Discovery passport to record and reflect on their work. It is an ideal Award level for an entire class or whole-school events, particularly as drop-down days or transition projects.
You can find teaching guides, kit lists, example timetables and suggested starter activities for the Discovery awards on
our resource library.
Students work independently, either in groups or individually, with the support of a teacher or mentor. The
CREST Teacher and Student Guides can help guide you through the process and outline the project work required at each Award level.
We encourage students to access support from a mentor who works in a STEM field related to their CREST project topic. Mentors can play an important role in CREST projects by offering their experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to help inspire students. Mentors are strongly recommended at Gold level, preferred at Silver, and optional at Bronze and Discovery levels.