How to create a Bronze CREST Project

How to create a Bronze CREST Project

To create a Bronze project you must register on 

Creating projects in your CREST account

If you’re using your CREST account to enter students for CREST Awards, this page explains how to get started. 
To create a project for Bronze Awards, you need to sign up or log in to your CREST account. 

Once you have activated your account, log in and you will be taken to this dashboard:

Select your Award level by clicking 'More' and click the 'Apply' button.

You will be shown a page that shows the first section/task you need to complete. More tasks will appear on the left as you complete sections.

You need to complete all these tasks before you can pay for your Awards and submit.

As you go through the rounds the website will automatically save your progress. To properly move through the process you'll need to click 'Mark as complete' at the bottom of each page. 

You will be prompted to 'Tell us about your CREST project' - click on this Task.

You will be asked if you would like student names printed on the certificate. Select 'Printed' if you would like student names printed on, or 'Blank' if you would not like student names to be included.

If you select Printed, you will be asked for school or group name. Project title will be asked for later. If you select Blank you will be asked for both school or group name, and project title. Both of these will be printed on your certificates.

Click next. You will be asked for further information about your project. 

If the project is being completed through an accredited scheme, e.g. a Nuffield placement, then select the relevant scheme from the drop down for 'Are you working with any of these accredited schemes or resources' if available.

On the next page you will be asked about your students. You will only receive certificates for the total number of students give, so make sure this number is correct.

If you selected to receive certificates with student names on, you will be asked to confirm the use of their data. You will also be asked to upload a spreadsheet of student names and project titles. Click here to download the student upload formPlease do not change the format of this spreadsheet as it may cause issues with printing and delivery.

If you selected to receive certificates without student names you will only be asked for the total number of students, and their diversity information if you have it.

Once you have provided this information, you will be asked for your delivery details. This is where you would like your certificates to be posted to.

Upload your students' work

Once you have marked this section as complete you will see a section titled 'Upload your work' appear on the left. Select this section to open it.

You will be asked to upload a sample of project work. We recommend uploading Bronze workbooks or profile forms as the sample.

Bronze Assessment

Once this is complete you will be able to select 'Bronze Assessment' on the left. You will see a page with the 10 hour per-student requirement and 15 Bronze criteria. You will need to confirm each student spent 10 hours on the project, and met at least 11 of the 15 criteria to proceed.

Claim your Award

Once you have uploaded your project you can claim your award. This will take you to the payment process. Payment is required before we send out certificates. 

If you have a voucher code you will be asked to include it. If it is for 100% then your project will be submitted. If it is only a partial discount or you do not have a code, you will be asked to submit your payment information so that we can invoice you. You can pay the invoice by card.

Some fields are included to make the payment process easier for organisations.

Once complete, all you need to do is pay the invoice.

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