13. FAQs and other questions
CREST Website Links Page
This article is currently under development. Please contact crest@britishscienceassociation.org for more information.
FAQ 12 - Can I submit for CREST Silver or Gold Award without a mentor?
Yes, you can submit for CREST Silver or Gold Award even without a mentor. Mentors are not a requirement when taking part in CREST, however, they are strongly recommended at Gold level, preferred at Silver, and optional at Bronze and Discovery levels. ...
FAQ 11 - Does CREST count towards UCAS points?
CREST does not count towards UCAS points. However, when you’re applying for university, for an apprenticeship or for a job, you can use CREST to enhance your application. The CREST awards are a well-regarded, high-quality and a tangible recognition ...
Accessibility statement for Crest Awards Help Centre
The statement covers the https://help.crestawards.org. The purpose of the website The Crest Help Centre, is to provide a range of answers to help students, teachers and other users of Crest to resolve a specific issue. This web platform is run by ...
FAQ 10 - What project work do I need to upload for the Bronze awards?
For Bronze Awards, educators are only required to upload work for a sample of their students. This sample of work is for moderation purposes only and will enable us to improve our guidance and support. When adding work to your project entry, you ...
FAQ 9 - Does my project work meet the requirements for a CREST Award?
For Star and SuperStar Awards, students should complete a series of 6-8 challenges. You can use your own activities towards the awards providing they meet the criteria. CREST Discovery requires students to demonstrate skills including ...
FAQ 8 - How does the CREST assessment process work?
Star/Superstar awards are assessed by the facilitator. You or another educator assess your students’ involvement. If you feel that your students have sufficiently taken part in 6-8 hour-long challenges then they will have achieved their Award. You do ...
FAQ 7 - Will a CREST award help me with my UCAS application?
Yes – the CREST Awards are well-regarded by UCAS and are recognised as a high-quality and tangible source of skills and knowledge. When applying for university or for an apprenticeship, you can stand out from the crowd by writing about your CREST ...
FAQ 6 - Are there any deadlines for CREST?
No – there are no deadlines or time limits for CREST. Please note that UK certificate delivery takes 2-4 weeks once payment has been received. International orders may take longer.
FAQ 5 - Do I need to complete CREST as part of a school?
No – CREST is easy to run, and you can adapt the framework for nearly any settings. CREST Awards is often run by schools, youth groups, STEM clubs and home educators. CREST Awards have successfully been run in the following settings: Museums and ...
FAQ 4 - Are my students eligible for a CREST Award level if they are not in the suggested age range?
Yes – there are no age limits for CREST. The ages listed on our website are a guideline.
FAQ 3 - How much do the CREST Awards cost?
You can find our full table of costs (including international prices) on our website: Fees and Funding. All CREST Awards in Wales are free as they are fully subsidised by the Welsh government. We do provide grant and funding opportunities to run ...
FAQ 2 - How do I run the CREST awards?
Star and Superstar The 6-8 x 1-hour activities required for the Star/Superstar awards can be delivered all together or spread out over a term or more. They can be used to connect with curriculum topics and build your students’ excitement for science. ...
FAQ 1 - How do I get started with the CREST awards?
Choose a CREST Award level The first thing you need to do, when starting your CREST Award, is choose an award level. There are six CREST award levels: Star, Superstar, Discovery, Bronze, Silver and Gold. The amount and complexity of the work needed ...
Sign up for our Educators Newsletter
Sign up to our monthly educator newsletter to receive up-to-date information about new resources, CREST Award voucher codes, competitions and schemes being run for teachers and other educators by the British Science Association and our partners.
(Only for participants of the CREST Silver Impact Trial) Help Note
Getting started with your CREST award: Sign up for a free CREST account Run your project(s) There are three options for choosing a project: Support students to create and design their own project, they can find helpful hints and tips in the CREST ...
Regional CREST Support Organisations (RCSOs)
There are 11 Regional CREST Support Organisations (RCSOs) around the UK, who support the British Science Association to promote the CREST scheme and support schools to deliver CREST. To find out more about your RCSO please click on their link below. ...
Reporting problems with your CREST account
Our CREST online service is very new. While we’ve tested it thoroughly, some bugs may still be in there. If you see something that looks a bit broken or just a little odd, please let us know. Please send your feedback via the CREST Help Centre.
Contacting CREST Support
You can contact us about CREST Awards via the CREST Help Centre. Please include your name, email address, and if relevant your CREST project ID or registration number. You'll find the project ID on the project page: The CREST Award team is available ...