How should my group submit for a Silver/Gold Award?

How should my group submit for a Silver/Gold Award?

Groups can submit in a number of ways for a Silver/Gold Award. There are 3 main options.

*Please note, if you have a group who have worked on separate projects, these will need to be submitted separately. One project/team per submission.*

1) Submit separately - each student creates a free online account, creates an entry and submits their report and profile form (and any other supplementary materials) by themselves. They can make it clear that they worked in a group, but it is important to show how they themselves met the CREST criteria. This option is useful either if a student is paying directly for the award themselves, or if different members of the group put in different levels of work.

2) Submit as a group - one student or an educator creates a free online account, creates an award entry and submits everyone's work, registering the group's details. They are responsible for payment - either requesting an invoice or paying by card. There must still be one profile form per student in the submission, but there can be a collective project report. The profile forms or report should really outline the contribution of each student and how they individually meet the criteria. If one student does not meet the criteria, then all the students will have to be reassessed. Groups can only be up to 15 students.

3)  Submit as a group and add editors to the award entry - one student or an educator creates a free online account, creates an award entry and adds the students/other students to the award entry. Each student can then upload their own work and input their details. This lessens the load for teachers who might want to pay, but have a large number of students taking part in a project. There must still be one profile form per student in the submission, but there can be a collective project report. The profile forms or report should really outline the contribution of each student and how they individually meet the criteria. If one student does not meet the criteria, then all the students will have to be reassessed. Groups can only be up to 15 students.
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