Required documentation for Silver and Gold CREST
What do I need to upload for CREST Silver and Gold projects?
To submit for Silver and Gold, you should upload documentation of all the work completed, including the required
profile form per student.
There is no required format for CREST. The main requirements are:
- The project should meet at least 11 of the 15 CREST criteria at the relevant level.
- You should include a CREST profile form per student.
- The project should be easy for the assessor to follow - for example, you can upload multiple files, but not so many that it makes assessment difficult.
- Make sure you are referencing as per the guidance for the CREST criteria at the relevant level.
- We do not provide example projects as there is no one way to do a CREST project, and we do not want students to feel like there is a required format. If you are struggling with the project structure we would suggest breaking the project down into each CREST criteria.
Can I upload a video or PowerPoint presentation? Do projects need to be Word processed?
- Yes, any format of project is accepted, as long as you provide enough detail to meet the CREST criteria at the relevant level. We sometimes find projects that exclusively include a PowerPoint or video may not have enough detail to meet the CREST criteria at the relevant level.
- Projects do not need to be Word processed, but if they are entirely or partially handwritten it should be possible for an assessor to read the project easily.
- Check out our help article on Accepted File Formats.
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